Saturday, December 31, 2016

Type of Braces

Metal Braces  

Ceramic braces , metal braces, clear braces,Lingual braces, invisible braces

This is the most inexpensive and most commonly use type of braces. And also, this is the most noticeable type. This one is specially use for adults. Metal braces have a thin wire and rubber bands. Metal braces put pressure on the teeth and move them. Finally place the teeth to the desired place. 

Metal braces effect to the gums and cheeks. So, you have been careful about the things you eat. You must avoid the sticky foods. They can stick to the braces and it will increase the inflection of bacteria.

So, what to eat when you first get metal braces? You must be thinking about this. Don’t eat any kind of hard foods. Hard foods can dislodge or move the braces. You should eat soft foods like pudding and soup.

Ceramic braces 

Ceramic braces , metal braces, clear braces,Lingual braces, invisible braces

Ceramic braces are costlier than metal braces. Ceramic braces created to blend with teeth. They are not much visible. There are two types as clear elastic ties and white metal ties. So, you guys can make your selection by analyzing these two types.

Your orthodontist has to adjust the braces usually in every month. The ties of the ceramic braces can easily discolor. Don’t take foods like coffee. Because it stains teeth. And also, don’t take hard foods.

Ceramic braces are not that much strong. They can easily brake down. This type is very sensitive. Ceramic braces require more maintenance than the metal braces. Ceramic braces cost is high. Time period of the treatment also high.

Ceramic braces cost range is in between the $4000 to $8000. This is costlier than metal braces. But this cost is depending on the treatment types. If the patient need any kind of a special treatment it will increase the cost. Ceramic braces move teeth faster than the other types.

Lingual braces 

Ceramic braces , metal braces, clear braces,Lingual braces, invisible braces

Lingual braces are created to hide behind the teeth. It remains out of the sight. Because it attached to behind the teeth. There for you can’t see it. This is high costly than metal braces and ceramic braces. The process of applying lingual braces is complicated one. And also for that need an experience and a skillful orthodontist. Normal orthodontist cannot handle this process.

And also, there is a considerable main issue with lingual braces. Lingual braces are not well suitable for small teeth. Most probably this braces make speaking problems. And also, sometimes cause injuries. There for you need to practice speaking with lingual braces. 

Normally lingual braces cost is in between $4000 to $8000.

Invisible braces

Ceramic braces , metal braces, clear braces,Lingual braces, invisible braces

This cost more than metal Braces, ceramic braces and lingual braces. Invisible braces are practically invisible for us. If you wear invisible braces no one can even guess about that. So, this type of braces is good solution for the people who don’t like to wear braces. 

Invisible braces best suit for the people who don’t have notable problems in teeth. There are so many advantages in invisible braces.

  • It is less noticeable.
  • No need visit the dentist frequently. 
Invisible braces are created by the medical device company Align Technology. The overall cost estimation for the treatments are in between $3,500 to $8,000. Averagely $5,600. This is for the condition of without insurance. With insurance cost of estimation is nearly $2,100.

Clear braces

Ceramic braces , metal braces, clear braces,Lingual braces, invisible braces

Clear braces are specially recommend for the adult patients. Adult patients were not fine enough for the metal braces. These braces need to remove for the meals. You cannot eat with this. There for clear braces doesn’t make any kind of bacteria influence. By wearing clear braces patient can gain two things. First one is, patient can gain the confidence about the process and other one is this increase the oral health. You can eat any kind of food without any worry. But you have to wear braces always except eating time. Otherwise it will make slow the process. 

As the main benefit of the clear braces, you can get a pretty smile. Clear braces use to straighten your teeth. 

So now let’s find out the clear braces cost. Mainly cost is estimated for the six months. This is less expensive than the other braces payments. Clear braces cost can increase with the special treatments goals. The average cost for the six month treatment is approximately $3,000 - $4,500.

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