Saturday, December 31, 2016

Braces Colors

braces colors

Do you know that you can select your braces from several braces colors. This is going to be very interesting. You can get colorful braces. There are so many colors with shades as red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, pink, gray, silver, gold and black. But guys, you should contact your orthodontist before you select your colors.

You can select your color from the online selector. But when you put your braces with that selected color it can be appear in little bit lighter on your teeth.
braces colors

It will be very enthusiastic in rendering your mouth with different braces colors. It can be a difficult task for you to select a suitable color for your braces. There for it is better to contact your orthodontist in this matter. Orthodontist may know how to match your braces color with the natural enamel color of your teeth.

How to Brush Teeth with Braces?

If you wearing braces for six months or two years, you must be thinking about this question. How to Brush Teeth with Braces? It is difficult to brush teeth with dental braces. Because food particles can be stuck between the braces and teeth. According to your orthodontist changes the number of times per day to brush. But it is very important to brush your teeth after every meal.

Ok. So, guys. Here are some special tips for you.

Select the best tooth brush.

Toothbrush is a very important equipment in dental braces. You can use regular toothbrush. But it is more effective to use a best one. If you use a toothbrush with an angled head it will be more effective. By using regular tooth brush, you can brush your teeth both upwards and the downwards. Likewise, you can get good clean in your braces and teeth. You must know that your teeth have several sides as outer near to your lip, inner which is facing to your tongue and crown bottom of the teeth. When cleaning, you must consider about all these sides. So, your tooth brush should be flexible enough to clean all these sides. Brush can be easily move around your mouth.

How to Brush Teeth with Braces?

Can I Use an Electric Toothbrush with Braces? You must be thinking about this. Yes you can. But you need to maintain a right amount of pressure of it. Allow the head of toothbrush to rotate completely. This is more effective and this will save your time. But sometimes if you select regular electronic toothbrush or a sonic toothbrush it can be difficult to handle. So, you must be aware about this.
Can I Use an Electric Toothbrush with Braces?

Give attention to the outer side of your teeth.

Cleaning Teeth with Braces is not a simple thing. Outer side of your teeth is seen in your smile. So, you should give more attention to that side. So, we giving you some instructions to clean the outer side of your teeth. You should begin from the bottom of the teeth. Rub the brush on your teeth and gradually move it to the bottom of the teeth. Slowly and with a circular motion.

Can I Use an Electric Toothbrush with Braces?, How to Brush Teeth with Braces?, Braces pain

If your tooth brush is a regular one you need to slant your toothbrush towards the gum line and to the top of the tooth. This helps you to remove food particles stuck in your teeth and braces. When it comes to the braces, brush it slowly as a small circle. You should spend at least 30 seconds for one bracket.

Brush the crowns of your teeth.

Put your toothbrush in to the spaces between your teeth. Then rub the brush in a circular way. You can remove the food particles easily. Most of the time it’s hard to remove the food particles stuck inside the spaces. So, you have to brush your teeth slowly to remove them. Don’t use sticks. Try to pull those food particles only using your tooth brush.

Flossing with Braces

Flossing with Braces is an important fact and you should consider about this. Normally it is difficult to encourage kids to floss. When it becomes to the children who have braces it is even more challenging thing. Because of the wires in the braces, it is very hard to floss in traditional way. And also it is hard to do it by your own. So, you should be thinking about this question. How to Floss Teeth with Braces? The best option is, you can go to your orthodontist to floss your braces.  
How to Floss Teeth with Braces?, Flossing with Braces, braces pain

Flossing with Braces is an important part of orthodontist’s character. Don’t let your children to avoid this. When you are trying to get a beautiful smile, on the other side you will lost your dental health. This is not a big issue. Simply you can handle this. Don’t avoid your orthodontist appointments. So lads, now we are going to give some easy tricks for you to make your children to floss regularly.

Use floss threader tool  

You already know that it is difficult and frustrating thing to flossing with braces. There for by using a floss it is hard to slide between the teeth and wire. Orthodontists use a tool call floss threader for this process. It is an inexpensive and disposable tool. You can buy it from any nearly store. This device allows you to pull the floss through the teeth and wire. And then can reach to the gum line.

flossing with braces. How to Floss Teeth with Braces?, Braces pain

Pay attention to the kids

You know, kids with braces, very difficult thing to handle. So as adults’ you guys can help them in flossing. You can use a threader to floss your kid’s braces. Easily you can buy it. You should keep the child sit in a well-lit area and can continue the process. But sometimes it is difficult to kids to sitting still in a long time. So, you have make them fun ease. As an option while the flossing process is going, you can on the tv and allow them to watch their favorite tv programs. And also, you can make them to listen their favorite music.

How to Floss Teeth with Braces?, Flossing with Braces, Braces pain

Use Waxed Floss

When flossing with braces you can use a waxed floss. This can use with the floss threader. With this you can slip between each tooth easily. Slowly you can slide the floss near to the gum line of teeth. Likewise you can floss the teeth one by one. 

flossing with braces, How to Floss Teeth with Braces?, Braces pain

Dental health is a very important fact. Especially for the kids. Kids don’t know the importance and the effect of the dental health. You should keep them aware of this. When it comes to the kids with braces, situation is little bit critical. How to Floss Teeth with Braces? Every kid have to aware about this. Flossing with Braces is a long process. It takes time. Kids don’t like to work out with this. That’s why parents should have to play an active role. Although Flossing with Braces takes time, it must be done regularly.

Difference Between Clear Braces vs Metal Braces.

Actually, both of the clear braces and the metal braces work exactly the same way. But there is a main difference between these two types. Clear braces are made with plastic and Metal braces are made with the stainless steel. When it comes to the cost, clear braces costs more. 

clear braces,metal braces, braces pain

In past, clear braces had some problems. Clear braces could align the teeth properly. But it was difficult to remove. It damaged to the tooth. But it present by using the advance technology these issues are corrected.